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What is race vilification?

Race vilification happens when a person, or group of people, incites hatred towards, serious contempt for, or severe ridicule of another person, or group of people, based on their race, by a public act.

That hatred can be spread publicly in a number of ways, including by verbal abuse, or in writing, or displayed on signage, or posted on the internet and social media.

Vilification is against the law, and in some cases it can also be a criminal offence.

If you believe that you have been the victim of race vilification, it is important that you seek urgent legal advice.


Race includes a person’s colour, ethnicity or nationality, descent or ancestry.

A public act is any form of communication to the public, such as speaking, writing, printing, displaying notices and messages on the internet and social media.

It also includes conduct observable by the public, including actions, gestures, wearing or display of clothing, signs, flags, emblems or insignia.

Incite means to urge on, stimulate or prompt action.

Hatred is an extreme or intense dislike or detestation.

Contempt is the attitude that someone is worthless or of little account, that involves looking down upon or treating that person as inferior.

Ridicule is to make fun of, deride or laugh at.

How we can help

If you have experienced vilification based on your race, our team of employment lawyers and industrial advocates at Discrimination Claims can help.

We can represent you in the Human Rights Commission or any other relevant court or tribunal.

We are specialists at negotiating significant sums of compensation for those who have been subjected to race vilification.

Make no mistake, we will fight for you until we achieve the outcome that you are looking for.

Look after yourself

Vilification can affect people in different ways.

It is very important to look after your health and safety and your well being.

If someone is making physical threats against you or your property, contact the police immediately by calling Triple 0.

If you are feeling anxious or depressed, make sure that you talk to someone.

Speak to a friend or you can make an appointment to see your doctor.

Lifeline  13 11 14

1800RESPECT  1800 737 732

QLife  1800 184 527

Beyond Blue  1300 223 636

MensLine Australia  1300 789 978

Kids Helpline  1800 551 800

To connect with us, please follow us on


LAST UPDATED: January 2023

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