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Former Staffer Makes Formal Bullying Complaint Against Alan Tudge

Former staffer makes formal bullying complaint against Alan Tudge

A former staffer to Alan Tudge has made a formal bullying complaint against the acting-Immigration Minister.

Rachelle Miller alleges Tudge’s workplace behaviour humiliated her and left her in tears.

Former staffer makes formal bullying complaint

Miller told the ABC’s 4 Corners program on Monday night about a secret affair she had with Tudge in 2017.

Today, she revealed she has also made a formal complaint to the Department of Finance alleging he bullied, badgered and belittled her.

The complaint describes numerous occasions where Tudge allegedly criticised Miller’s work, often in public and in front of other staff, politicians or community members.

On one job, Miller says she ended up in tears following alleged bullying behaviour by Tudge in front of one of her colleagues at an airport.

She alleges the minister badgered her over a Facebook video of the day’s media event.

“I was upset and very tired so I went to the bathroom and sat there and cried until closer to our departure time in order to avoid him.”

Miller further alleges that Tudge continued to badger her on the aircraft, leaving her visibly upset.

“I ended up in tears on the plane, the person sitting next to me gave me a very awkward smile and tried to cheer me up.

“They had witnessed the whole thing and it was very humiliating.”

The complaint says she decided to seek another role the next day after confronting him about his behaviour.

“I decided to speak up and let him know this was not appropriate behaviour and that I wanted it to stop.

“He replied in a very angry tone … ‘Stop being such a precious petal.’

“I was very distressed and desperate to escape the situation.”

Miller also explained that Tudge’s behaviour made her constantly fearful of losing her job.

Tudge apologises

Following Monday night’s 4 Corners program, Tudge apologised for the hurt his affair caused.

“I regret my actions immensely and the hurt it caused my family.

“I also regret the hurt that Ms Miller has experienced.”

In her complaint, Miller claims Tudge often asked her to dinner or drinks at the end of a long day on the road.



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