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Gay Police Officer Suing Over Sexuality Discrimination

Gay police officer suing over sexuality discrimination

A gay police officer is suing his department claiming he experienced discrimination on the basis of his sexual orientation.

He alleges bosses targeted him with a year-long bullying campaign.

He says it became worse as a result of reporting the unlawful conduct.

Gay police officer target of offensive remarks

Brendan Mannix is suing the San Francisco Police Department for sexual harassment and sexuality discrimination.

He claims two sergeants at his police station regularly commented about his sexual orientation.

For example, calling him a “queen” and “too dramatic”.

Additionally, one suggested a sexual relationship existed between Mannix and another gay officer at the station.

As a result of Mannix saying something the sergeant believed stereotypically gay, he remarked:

“Ugh, you gays!” together with “God, you gays!”.

Lawyer Lawrence Organ accused the sergeant of mocking Mannix’s hair style and physical appearance by making belittling comments.

For example, “Is that hair big enough?!” together with “How much do you weigh? One hundred pounds soaking wet?”

“Mr. Mannix quickly noticed the ‘Old Boys’ Club’ atmosphere of the station: 

“Anyone who doesn’t fit a precise mold — broadly speaking, straight, cisgender, white and male — is targeted for mistreatment; those who complain about it are treated even worse.”

Harassment got worse after complaints

Mannix asked the sergeants to stop the harassment, however, the abuse only got worse,

For example, one allegedly yelled in Mannix’s face telling him, “If you think I am a bully, file a f–king complaint.”

Consequently, the gay officer found the comments offensive and concerning, his lawyer said.

Furthermore, Mannix claims that because of his complaints, the sergeants began retaliating against him by giving him unfavourable assignments.

Police Department denies allegations

However, a San Francisco Police Department spokesperson insists it takes “allegations of discrimination and officer misconduct seriously.

“The San Francisco Police Department is committed to diversity, tolerance and respect for the public and all of our members. 

“Furthermore, department members swear to hold each other accountable and to act swiftly to report any misconduct.”

No excuse for discrimination or harassment

Industrial advocate Miles Heffernan from Discrimination Claims said there is no excuse for discrimination or sexual harassment.

“The behaviour alleged by Officer Mannix is not only repugnant, it is also unlawful,” he said.

“Anyone subjected to sexuality or gender discrimination, or sexual harassment will be eligible to substantial compensation.”

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